May 6-8, 2025
Vancouver Convention Centre | Vancouver, Canada

Day 1 Tuesday, May 07, 2024

11:30 AM

Enbridge Activities in Minimizing Emissions from Compression and Eliminating Fugitive Emissions

Knowledge Bar

12:30 PM

Basic Rules for Sampling, How to Fix Common Grab Sampling Deficiencies - SESSION CANCELLED

Knowledge Bar

1:30 PM

Eliminating Voluntarily Vented/Flared Gas Volumes Across the Gas Processing Value Chain

Knowledge Bar

2:30 PM

Reliable & Report Ready Material Verification: TVC Records Straight out of the Ditch

Knowledge Bar

3:30 PM

Triple Offset Butterfly Valve

Knowledge Bar

Day 2 Wednesday, May 08, 2024

10:30 AM

Enbridge Activities in Hydrogen Blending

Knowledge Bar

11:30 AM

Carbon Capture and Sequestration in Canada - Application of New Seismic Technologies for Injection Hub Planning, Target Reservoirs Monitoring

Knowledge Bar

12:30 PM

Ekona’s Methane Pyrolysis Solution for Clean Hydrogen Production

Knowledge Bar

1:30 PM

Advancements in Hydrogen Liquefaction: Harnessing Medium Voltage Drives and Motors for Efficient Operations

Knowledge Bar

2:30 PM

Decarbonizing Natural Gas via Methane Pyrolysis

Knowledge Bar

Day 3 Thursday, May 09, 2024

10:30 AM

Emissions Reduction - You Can't Reduce What You Can't Quantify

Knowledge Bar

11:30 PM

Terminal Towage: Creating Value, Supporting Reconciliation & Minimising Environmental Impact

Knowledge Bar

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